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The Museum foundation

Museu Castell de Bellver_01

The Museum foundation

The "Museu d'història de la ciutat" (Palma's history Museum) located in the groundfloor of the Bellver Castle, was founded by Emili Darder, Andreu Crespí, Lluís Ferbal, and Francesc de Sales members of the culture towncouncil comitee in 1932. 

It was inaugurated in June 1932, closed due to the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 when the Bellver Castle became a prison, became the regional Museum untill the "Museu de Mallorca" (Majorcan Museum) was founded in 1960. Afterwards in 1974 the museum collections were organized and the present exhibition was displayed.

The "Museu d'història de la Ciutat" is located in the Bellver eight groundfloor rooms. Each room display information about an historical period in Palma's city history, urban and social evolution.        Text panels, showcases and city models help the visitor to know Palma's evolution.

Date last modified: May 18, 2021